We are happy to announce that Irma Ramos will be the Agape Feast coordinator. If you would like to help her team out, please email Angie Peterson at hands@tvja.org.

Agape Feast 2016-2017

What are the responsibilities of the Agape Feast Coordinator?

Partner with Home & School to supply the event at the end of Week of Prayer with grape juice, bread and grapes.
Build a team for prepping and cleaning up after the event.
Connect with the Marketing Team as needed to ensure the programs are appropriately promoted. 
The budget is about $300.

What is the time commitment?

As you are able, provide periodic updates to the Home & School group via email/text/cell/meeting attendance in the way that accommodates your schedule the best. 
The event may require at least 3 hours on the day-of the event.