May 2, 2024

Upcoming School Events


Next Week: Teacher/Staff Appreciation

please drive safe

Dear Families,

As we strive to maintain a safe and secure environment for our students, it is important that we work together to ensure the safety of everyone during drop off and pick up times. Your cooperation and adherence to safe driving practices play a crucial role in achieving this goal.

We understand that the hectic nature of drop off and pick up times can sometimes lead to rushed decisions or overlooked safety measures. However, by taking a moment to review and follow these safe driving expectations, we can create a safer environment together for our children and the entire school community.

Your commitment to these guidelines not only helps prevent accidents and injuries but also sets a positive example for our students, reinforcing the importance of responsible and attentive driving habits.

Thank you so much for your attention to these important matters, and for your ongoing cooperation in keeping our school environment safe for everyone.

  1. Observe Speed Limits: Please drive a maximum of 5 MPH in the parking lot and a maximum of 15 MPH on the track, when there are no children present. If there are children outside, please keep it down to 5 MPH or less.

  2. Be Mindful of Children & Pedestrians: Please be vigilant for children crossing streets, walking in parking lots, and boarding or exiting vehicles.

  3. Avoid Distractions: It is important to avoid distractions such as using mobile phones while driving during drop off and pick up.

  4. Follow Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures: Please follow the school's designated drop off and pick up procedures, including designated areas and traffic flow patterns. Keep the line moving and do not hold up the vehicles behind you.

  5. No Double Parking or Blocking Traffic: Please do not double park or block traffic flow, as this can create hazards for other drivers and pedestrians.

TVA Bells performance

Intermediate/Advanced bell choirs will be performing at the Forest Grove SDA church this Sabbath. The service begins at 10:30AM. Come join us!


May 2 - Home & School Meeting (Zoom)

May 4 - Intermediate and Advanced Bells Perform at Forest Grove SDA Church

May 5-8 - 8th Grade US History trip to San Diego

May 5-10 - High School Rosario Biology trip

May 6-10 - Teacher Appreciation Week

May 16-18 - Advanced Bells Tour

May 19 - Home and School Workbee

In Case You Missed It: Sports Picnic

In Case You Missed It:
Medical Release Form

There was glitch in the 2023-2024 enrollment form that did not allow parents to sign the Medical Release Form. Please click on the link to fill it out.

Medical Release Form

This is what it states:

"TVA reserves the right to have your child transported by ambulance or school official to the nearest hospital or medical facility to obtain medical treatment authorized by the Board of Health in case of an accident or serious illness. In case of accident or serious illness, if the school is unable to contact me or the other authorized person, I hereby authorize the school to take my child to the aforementioned physician or a hospital authorized by the Board of Health. I hereby give permission for my child to receive emergency medical care. Information on this document may be made available to school and Health Department Officials."

In Case You Missed It: TVA VBS needs volunteers

TVA is hosting a Veggie Tales themed VBS this summer! Please use the links bellow to find more information and to sign up to volunteer.

click for more information

click to sign up to volunteer

Rachel Blackburn