Welcome Ms. Guzman and Mrs. De Peña!


We would like to introduce you to two new staff members joining our team, Ms. Jazmin Guzman and Mrs. Molly De Peña!

Jazmin Guzman is joining TVA this fall as our Preschool/Early Childhood Director. She brings 5 years’ experience in early childhood education and a passion for preschool-aged children to TVA. You can learn more about her here. We are excited to have Ms. Guzman join our team!

Molly De Peña is joining TVA this fall to teach 7th and 8th grade in partnership with Mrs. Sarah Irvine. Mrs. De Peña’s energy and passion for kids and Christ are an excellent match for our Junior High. You can learn more about her here. We are so glad to have Mrs. De Peña as part of our team!