Jump Rope for Heart

Every year at this time Tualatin Valley Academy devotes an entire month to the American Heart Association's Jump Rope for Heart event. 

The AHA is dedicated to building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Considering heart disease is the #1 killer in America, we feel this is a cause worth supporting. 

This fundraiser is our chance to give back to the community we live in, therefore 100% of the funds raised will go to the American Heart Association to help fight heart disease and stroke. Each student has been challenged to raise $15 for the AHA.

In PE class, our overall goal at TVA is for each student to learn to live a life full of movement. Jumping rope is one of those movements. For this unit, we are challenging every student be able to jump 100 jumps non-stop. 

Our Jump Rope for Heart event is scheduled for Friday, March 17. Classes who reach their goals have the chance to win a variety of prizes, up to and including getting to silly string their homeroom teacher, Mr. Chamberlain AND Mr. Tillotson at chapel! 

Thank you so much for your continued support of Eagles Athletics and for supporting the American Heart Association!